Needed to write a GUI, nothing fancy just some data binding. Tkinter is included within Python, great! Spend a bunch of time learning tkinter and its quirks, then I am done. Now to package my work of art with py2exe to deploy under windows .... splat.
Posted messages to the py2exe mailing list and waited, and waited. I suppose I could work it out, put in some hurclian effort and figure it all out. Trouble is I just don't have that much time, and the interface wasn't that complicated. Answer, lick some wounds, rewrite the interface in HTML and write a simple web server based on one of the activestate recipes.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Debugging Python threads
My understanding is that because pythonwin runs in its own thread if you spawn a thread - you can't debug it.
I have an application that runs 2 background threads. You can make special classes for testing the application outside of background threading, but that just gets confusing. I really don't want to be creating a whole bunch of code just to be able to debug what I already have.
I was really getting frustrated with the whole process, until I discovered winpdb. It is bloody mavellous, it really needs to be bundled into the activestate distribution.
I have an application that runs 2 background threads. You can make special classes for testing the application outside of background threading, but that just gets confusing. I really don't want to be creating a whole bunch of code just to be able to debug what I already have.
I was really getting frustrated with the whole process, until I discovered winpdb. It is bloody mavellous, it really needs to be bundled into the activestate distribution.
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